My 19 Week Update!

Hey, everyone! Although I’m only 19 weeks and 2 days pregnant, I’m writing this update a little early due to the fact that I’ll be camping until this Sunday with zero cell or internet service. Not much has changed since last week, but keep reading to see what I and little bambino have been up to.

Week 19

Baby’s Statistics


I’m a week away from being halfway through my pregnancy! Baby boy now weighs more than the placenta, at approximately 6 1/2 inches long and 8 1/5 ounces in weight, or about the size of a mango. Baby’s arms and legs are now in proportion and moving with more limb control as the cartilage begins hardening to bone. His skin is now losing its translucent look and beginning to develop pigment which will determine his skin tone. He is now covered in Vernix Caseosa, a thin waxy-like substance that helps protect his skin from the amniotic fluid. His brain is also continuing to develop with the specialised areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision and touch.

Mama’s Statistics

Weight Gain

Well, the good news here is that I haven’t lost any more weight. I’ve seemed to have hit a plateau at this stage in my pregnancy where I’m neither gaining nor losing. However, my baby bump is in full-effect and has officially made its appearance.


Oh, sleep. I knew you wouldn’t stick around for very long… I’ve been sleeping horribly this past week, for a number of reasons. The first being that my baby’s favorite time of the day to kick, summersault, jab, and everything in between, just so happens to be around bedtime. It can be quite frustrating when I’m minutes from falling asleep and then all of a sudden am woken up by one of his strong movements. I’ve noticed that when I lay on my left side, I can’t feel him as much, so I’ve been trying to sleep in that position as much as possible. But of course, that doesn’t last throughout the night. I’m a back-sleeper. That’s always been my favorite sleeping position, and up until I became pregnant, I was able to sleep on my back continuously throughout the night. Well, since it’s recommended that pregnant women do not sleep on their backs during the second and third trimesters, I’ve basically had to teach myself how to sleep, and stay asleep, on my sides. This has been extremely difficult for me, simply because it just isn’t comfortable. I find myself waking up every half hour or so to switch sides. Not to mention the leg cramps that I get from sleeping on my side are the epitome of awful. I wake up most mornings with horrible aching and stiffness in my glutes, thighs, and calves. I did some research and found that this “leg cramping” is extremely common in pregnancy, as your expanding uterus puts more pressure on the ligaments surrounding it, including those in your legs. I plan on talking to my doctor about this problem at my next appointment to see if she has any recommendations. In the meantime, I guess I just have to suck it up.


Baby seems to be becoming more and more active each day. I haven’t really noticed a specific pattern yet as far as when he’s most active, as it usually depends on my activities. During the day, when I’m moving around, I don’t feel him at all. However, when I’m sitting down to eat or relaxing on the couch, I can feel him moving just fine. There will be some days where I don’t feel him move for hours at a time and start to wonder if he’s okay, but he eventually reassures me that he is. Some people have asked me what his movements feel like – and quite honestly, I’ve struggled to put it into words. Sometimes it feels like a simple fluttery feeling in my stomach, and other times I can feel a very distinct kick or jab that feels, well, exactly how it sounds. My sister has even claimed that she has “felt him kick” when resting her hand on my stomach. Overall, I love his daily little reminders that he is always with me and that he’s doing fine. ♥


Really random but I’ve been craving a shaved ice snow cone. Strange, right? The closest I’ve been able to get to one is a 7 Eleven Slurpee. Those will do for now. 🙂


My mood has been fairly good so far this week. My mom and I have begun planning and furnishing the baby’s nursery, which has been exciting. We purchased a crib over the weekend and have begun registering for items for my upcoming baby shower. I’ve also started building my son’s wardrobe, which has been an absolute blast. Who knew shopping for baby clothes could be so fun? Aside from preparing for the baby, I’ve been spending a lot of time reconnecting with my sister and my cousins who I’ve kind of fell out of touch with these past few years. It’s been really nice to catch up with them and pick up where we left off. I occasionally have moments where my pregnancy hormones get the best of me, but for the most part I’ve felt great.

I hope you enjoyed my 19 week update! Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great week!


A Genuine Thank You

This isn’t an update, but rather a thank you post. I just wanted to take a few moments to thank all of the extremely kind people, some even complete strangers, who have reached out to me via social media regarding my pregnancy. The amount of kindhearted, uplifting, and encouraging messages I have received in the past few weeks, most in response to my blog, have been truly heartwarming. I had no idea when I first started this blog that I would receive as much support as I have. Rather, I was almost expecting the opposite, considering the large amount of negativity and cruelty that I faced upon initially deciding to keep my baby. We live in a world and society where it is often so easy to judge and ridicule others, despite not having walked a mile in their shoes. For someone, even a complete stranger, to recognize the struggles I have faced and offer me unconditional support and encouragement, means the absolute world to me. It is a very good feeling to know that there are good-hearted people out there who aren’t afraid to stand up against the crowd, despite how difficult that can be at times. The world needs more people like you, which is why I hope to raise a son that will treat others in the same way. I hope to continue to keep in contact with those of you who have reached out to me, as I greatly value the new friendships that are emerging. Thanks again, to you all, for making my experience a positive one and for lifting my spirits during this challenging (but rewarding!) time in my life. I am truly blessed!

Xoxo, Haley

Gender Reveal: It’s a …. ? – My 18 Week Update

Hey everyone! Finally, the blog post you’ve all been waiting for… the gender reveal! For those of you who follow me on Instagram and Facebook, you may have already heard what the gender of the baby is – I was so excited, I just couldn’t wait to post it! For those of you who haven’t already heard, I’m excited to break the news to you in this post of my 18 week update. So without further ado…

It’s a BOY!

Hence the name change of my site (which you may have noticed). I felt it was more appropriate at this point to have the site be named “Bow Ties and Bottles” rather than “Bows and Bottles”, which is obviously more geared towards a girl. Anyway, words cannot describe how excited I am to have a little boy! Growing up with a little brother, I always knew I wanted a son of my own eventually. They are such a joy – and I can’t believe I will have one of my own in just four short months! I am truly blessed. You may be wondering how I found out the gender so early, since my last blog post said my gender scan wouldn’t be until Week 20… My mom and I researched private ultrasound clinics in the Sonoma County area, and found a 3D/4D Ultrasound Clinic in Napa that offers a fairly inexpensive gender determination package. We both agreed that we were just too excited to wait another three weeks to find out, so we booked the appointment that moment for the following day! At 8:30 AM the following morning, I was sitting on a comfy spa lounge in a cute little private room, holding my mom and sister’s hands and awaiting the final verdict. The ultrasound technician and owner of the practice, Whitney, was extremely friendly and made my experience worth every penny. It took her a few minutes to find the right angle since the baby was positioned oddly, but she was finally able to get a good look in between those little legs – and sure enough, he was a boy! After her initial conclusion, she continued to look for a few more minutes to make sure it wasn’t the umbilical cord between the baby’s legs that she was seeing. She was 99% certain that the baby is a boy, and that was good enough for me. As soon as Whitney said “boy”, my sister blurted out “I knew it!” and was jumping for joy. She is extremely excited to have a nephew. And although my mom was absolutely certain the baby was a girl up until this appointment, she was overjoyed at the news that she will be having a grandson nonetheless. Overall, it was a day I will most certainly never forget. Now that you know baby’s gender, here is what we’ve been up to this week!

Week 18

Baby’s Statistics


Head to rump, baby boy is about 5 1/2 to 6 inches long and weighs almost 7 ounces (about the size of a bell pepper). His blood vessels are visible through his thin skin, and his ears are now in their final position, although they’re still standing out from his head a bit. A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around his nerves, a process that will continue for a year after he’s born. He has now begun to hiccup, yawn, suck his thumb, kick, and roll!

Mama’s Statistics

Weight Gain

I’m still struggling to put on weight at this point in my pregnancy. However, most of my mommy friends have assured me that this is normal, and that they didn’t begin to gain weight until almost the end of their second trimester. I’m eating 4-5 small meals per day and snacking in-between. I haven’t stepped on the scale in a while because I don’t want to be one of those people who are overly obsessed with their weight gain progress and become stressed out. I have enough on my plate (literally) to be overly-worried about how much weight I am gaining. As long as I am eating nutritious meals and taking my vitamins, I am confident that my baby is getting what he needs.

Morning Sickness

My morning sickness is still lingering, but has gotten significantly better. It now only affects me about 2-3 days per week, rather than every single day. I do try to make sure that I have something in my stomach at all times because I’ve noticed that when I’m hungry or running on an empty stomach, my nausea starts to kick in.

Maternity Clothes?

I probably should start wearing them at this point. I attempted to wear one of my favorite pairs of shorts the other day and it was an ultimate fail – the button was about 3 inches too far away from the loophole. Needless to say, I won’t be wearing those any time soon. Most of my outfits currently involve leggings, sweatpants, or breezy sundresses because they are most comfortable and the easiest to wear. I think when I receive my next paycheck, I’ll plan a maternity clothing shopping spree.


I’ve still been sleeping fairly well. The only complaint I have is that I’ve been waking up most mornings with extremely stiff and painful legs. As soon as I get out of bed and start walking around though, the pain subsides. I’m not sure what causes that but according to Google, it’s a fairly common complaint in pregnancy, especially as you get further along.


Finally, some movement! Yes, I can now say, with 100% confidence, that I have felt my baby boy move. It is very hard to feel when I am standing up or walking around, but as soon as I lie down on my back or sit down in a recliner, I feel him doing acrobatics in my stomach. Some nights I find it hard to sleep because it can be distracting – especially because he obviously can’t tell time and isn’t aware that at 1 AM, it is well past his mama’s bedtime. But I still love him, regardless 🙂


My cravings are still pretty random and sporadic. During my weekend in Tahoe this past weekend, we visited the Northstar Village. We were walking around the ice skating rink when I noticed a new candy store that wasn’t there the last time I visited. I tried to walk by without giving into the urge to buy candy, but then I saw that they have over 50 flavors of jelly beans! I just couldn’t resist. I spent more than I am willing to admit on a bag of assorted jelly beans that night – and yes, I ate them all. Not the healthiest choice, I know, but what is a mom-to-be to do?

Food Aversions

Hm, none that I can think of at the moment. Still not fond of chicken, but at this point I don’t know if I ever will be again.


I’m doing much better this week compared to last week. As I get closer and closer to my due date, I am more excited, and therefore happier. That’s not to say that I still don’t have a bad day occasionally, because I do. I have the hormones to thank for that. But now that I know the baby’s gender, I feel a much stronger connection to him. Finding out that he is a boy has made the experience so much more real to me because he now has an identity. Now instead of doing things, like taking my prenatal vitamins for example, for “that baby inside of my stomach”, I am doing them for my son. I have been in a great mood these past few days because I am so overjoyed at the realization that I will soon have a little man to hold in my arms. I can’t wait to meet him!

I hope you enjoyed my 18 week update. If you’d like to stay tuned with what I’m doing on a daily basis, please feel free to follow me on Instagram @ h_ghiringhelli. Thanks for reading and have a great week!

Top Ten FAQs About My Pregnancy

Hey all! So I’ve been getting a lot of questions (most of them recurring) regarding my pregnancy and I figured my blog would be a good place to answer them all at once. I’ve compiled a list of the most frequent questions I am asked and answered them below. Enjoy!

1. Question: “Do you have any preference regarding a boy or a girl?”

Answer: I really don’t! A lot of people have found this answer surprising and I’m not really sure why. After all, we don’t get to choose, right? As long as he or she is healthy, I’m more than happy with either gender.

3. Question: “Have you decided on any names yet?”

Answer: At this point, I have settled on a boy name. I haven’t shared the chosen name with anyone other than my closest family members, and I plan on keeping it quiet until the baby is born (if the baby is a boy, that is). As far as girl names go, I’m pretty much stuck. I’ve searched through almost every online baby name database and unfortunately, I haven’t found one that really speaks to me. Ultimately, I’d like a name that is non-traditional, unique, and feminine. I would also like the first name to be somewhat short and sweet since my last name is fairly long. If you have any ideas, please let me know! I’m more than open to suggestions.

4. Question: “Where is the baby’s father?”

Answer: Eek. I try to avoid this one as much as possible, but people are naturally curious and I don’t blame them. At this point, the father of the baby is not involved and has chosen to remove himself from the current situation, despite my tireless efforts to include him in the process. I have made many attempts in these past few months to try to include him in the development of his child by inviting him to my doctor’s appointments and providing him with updates, but he has made it extremely clear to me that he wishes not to be involved. I’ve continuously received the cold shoulder. I’m at the point where I have accepted this fact and I am prepared to face this journey alone. It’s been significantly more difficult than I imagined it would be. I have to fight the urge not to feel jealousy and envy when I’m sitting in the waiting room at Kaiser and am surrounded by couples awaiting the arrival of their little bundles of joy. It’s been hard not having someone to share this experience with; but my mom and grandma have done an amazing job filling in his shoes by attending my doctor’s appointments with me and offering me unconditional support and guidance every step of the way. I’m not too worried about doing this on my own because I have connected with so many amazing, local women my age that are single mothers and have proven that it is entirely possible to raise a child without a man. I am so grateful for the inspiration and support they have provided me with, despite having only known me for short while. If you happen to be reading this (you know who you are), thank you! Although I plan on enduring this completely on my own, I do plan on including the biological father on my baby’s birth certificate, simply because I would like to keep that door open for my child, whether he or she chooses to open it in the future or not.

5. Question: “Do you plan on breastfeeding or bottle-feeding?”

Answer: This question makes me slightly uncomfortable, just due to all of the controversy regarding the subject. I’ve done a lot of research on the topic and have discovered that it is perhaps, one of the most controversial subjects regarding pregnancy and parenting. In today’s world, I think there is so much pressure from society on pregnant and new mothers to breastfeed their babies, that it can be hard to make the decision to go against the grain and bottle-feed with formula. Despite all of the controversy, I believe that it is ultimately the mother’s choice and that people should support a mother’s decision if she believes it to be the best decision and option for her child. I definitely plan on giving breastfeeding a shot, but if it doesn’t work out, I have no problem transitioning to bottle-feeding. My mom told me that she tried breastfeeding me when I was born, but developed a horrible infection in her breasts soon after. Due to this, she switched to formula. I like to think that, despite all of the negative things that society has to say about formula as opposed to breast milk, I’ve turned out just fine.

6. Question: “Are you going to have a baby shower? And if so, when?”

Answer: Of course! I will probably have the baby shower sometime in mid-October.

7. Question: “Where will you be delivering the baby and when are you due?”

Answer: My official due date is December 12th (my sister’s birthday!), but my doctor anticipates that my baby will most likely be born early. I plan on delivering at Kaiser in Santa Rosa.

8. Question: “Can I touch your belly?”

Answer: Let’s be honest, most people don’t even ask, they just do it. A month ago I used to cringe when people, wether they were family members or complete strangers, would rub my stomach; but now I’ve gotten so used to it that it hardly bothers me anymore. Even then, I never answered “no”. I suppose I just didn’t want to disappoint anyone or come off as being rude. I’ll admit thought it is a little strange… and I almost feel like a zoo animal at times. But, if people are excited for me and wish to show that excitement by a little belly rub, go for it.

9. Question: “What are your plans for after the baby is born?”

Answer: As far as work goes, my current job is only a seasonal position so it will be ending at the beginning of November (a month before the baby is due, which is perfect). I plan on using that month to finalize my birth plan and ensure that everything is in place for the baby’s arrival. After the baby is born, I’ll probably spend a good amount of time at home getting accustomed to the new change and making sure the baby is situated. I do plan on going back to work eventually after the baby is born. I plan on seeking a full-time job with benefits so that I can support the little one.

10. Question: “Has it been hard giving up alcohol?”

Answer: Surprisingly, no. I imagined it being way more difficult, but now, it hardly even occurs to me that I can’t drink alcohol. In the beginning it was somewhat hard, especially because my 21st birthday fell exactly two weeks after I found out I was pregnant. But I survived! I’ve learned that pregnancy is all about sacrificing. There’s been plenty of other things that I’ve had to give up besides alcohol – such as coffee, or being able to ride the water rides at Water world with the rest of my family. It’s all worth it though, because I know that my sacrifices are allowing me to grow a happy and healthy baby.

Happy (late) Fourth of July! – My 17 Week Update

I hope everyone had a wonderful Fourth of July! I spent most of the day with my family, which was really nice – but definitely different from how I’ve celebrated it in the past, which almost always included alcohol. I enjoyed a limeade from Buffalo Wild Wings this year instead. 😉 Although I’m technically only 17 weeks and 3 days pregnant today, I wanted to get this update in before the weekend since I’ll be in Lake Tahoe until Monday on a (much-needed) vacation. I’m really excited to get out of the house and spend some time outdoors since most of my time has been spent curled up on the couch these past few weeks. Anyway, here’s what I’ve been up to this week!

Week 17

Baby’s Statistics


This week, baby is tipping the scale at about 3.5 ounces, and is about the size of a navel orange. He or she is beginning to develop body fat that will continue to accumulate throughout his or her time in the womb. Baby’s lungs are beginning to inhale and exhale amniotic fluid, and the urinary and circulatory systems are fully functioning. Baby’s hearing is now developed, and he or she can distinguish muffled sounds from outside the womb – such as the dog barking or the doorbell ringing.

Mama’s Statistics

Weight Gain

I suppose weight loss is more of an appropriate title for this section (sigh). At my 17-week appointment, my doctor advised me that I’ve lost 7 pounds since my last visit, which was just 3 weeks ago. Besides basically laying into me about how important it is at this stage in my pregnancy to gain an adequate amount of weight to support the development of the baby, she suggested I add more high-protein foods to my diet – such as eggs, chicken, and dairy products – all of which I’ve never been too fond of. She also increased my Zofran dose to three times a day (rather than one), to ensure that my recurring nausea does not keep me from eating. These past few days I’ve really been focusing on adding these protein foods to my diet. I’m determined to gain the 7 pounds back by the time I visit my doctor again at my 20-week appointment.

Morning Sickness

I think my morning sickness is finally starting to subside at this point. I’m no longer waking up at 6 AM running to the toilet every morning – Thank God. That’s not to say that it’s gone completely – I still get mild bouts of nausea throughout the day, which is why I always keep my Zofran on-hand just in case. I’ve noticed that it’s significantly worse on days that I work – of course, right? I’m not sure if that’s my body’s way of preparing it for a potentially stressful shift, or if it’s just a coincidence. Either way, I’m happy that it’s slowly going away as I get further into my second trimester.

Maternity Clothes?

I’m actually going to Disneyland in August, so I have purchased a few maternity clothing items online in preparation for my trip. I’ll be around 23 weeks at that time (and hopefully significantly larger than I am now), so I’ve invested in some awesome slip-on walking shoes, some lightweight maternity tanks and tees, and cropped yoga leggings. Comfort over cuteness! As for right now, I’m currently still wearing regular clothes.


There isn’t much to say about my sleeping pattern since it hasn’t changed much since last week. I’m currently sleeping on an aero-bed at my Mom’s house because I’m in a transitioning period from my Dad’s house. Needless to say, it’s not the comfiest sleeping arrangement, but it hasn’t caused me any problems so far. Hopefully I’ll be purchasing a new bedroom furniture set in the near future so that I can start furnishing my bedroom/nursery in preparation for the baby. Still enjoying the heck out of my body pillow!


It’s hard to say whether I’ve really felt the baby move. Sometimes if I lay really still, I can feel a slight fluttering in my stomach – but it’s so slight that I really can’t say for sure if it’s the baby moving or if it’s just my stomach grumbling and digesting. Maybe next week!


I think I’ve exhausted my cravings for Mexican food. At this point, my cravings are extremely random and often not recurring. If I feel like having an Oreo, I have an Oreo. If I feel like eating a whole can of black olives, I eat a whole can of black olives (and yes, I have done that). My random cravings have proven to be quite dangerous when grocery shopping, that’s for sure.

Food Aversions

Still chicken! Bleh.


Ha! Well, I was hoping this update was going to be the moment of truth regarding the gender but my doctor decided to keep me waiting for another three weeks. It was extremely frustrating, considering the nurse who scheduled my 17-week appointment assured me that I would be finding out the gender that day. When I arrived at my appointment, my doctor was adamant about waiting until my 20-week appointment to do an ultrasound. Gotta love Kaiser…


Extremely irritable and agitated (thank you, hormones). I try my absolute hardest not to let my mood be affected but it’s just one of those things that I can’t really help right now. Between all of the changes that I’m experiencing, both physically and emotionally, and all of the things I need to remember on a daily basis (such as drinking eight glasses of water, taking my prenatal vitamins and iron supplements, eating a well-balanced diet) and not to mention working, it’s been extremely difficult at times to maintain a good mood. I feel really bad for my family members that have to deal with my currently bad attitude – but they’ve been very understanding and patient with me, which I greatly appreciate. When I feel a bad mood coming on, I try to curb it by doing something that I enjoy – like writing or indulging in a little retail therapy (because how can that not cheer you up?) My doctor started me on a very mild anti-depressant medication that is safe to take during pregnancy in an effort to prevent pregnancy depression – since I have a previous history with the disorder. I’m hoping that it starts to alleviate some of my mood swings. I’ve also started seeing a licensed pregnancy counselor through Kaiser on a regular basis. Her job is basically to guide me through my pregnancy by answering any questions I have, providing me with additional resources, and offering me emotional support. She’s been really great and I plan on continuing to see her throughout my entire pregnancy.

Well, that’s all for week 17. I hope you enjoyed this update!

My First – and 16 Week – Pregnancy Update!

Well, part of me wishes I had started this blog sooner (I’m about 16 weeks late – oops), but I wanted to wait until things started falling into place with my pregnancy before I started sharing my journey with friends, family, and yes – the rest of the world. I’m finally at a stage in my pregnancy where I feel comfortable sharing the changes that I am experiencing, both physically and emotionally. I also figured that a pregnancy blog would be the perfect idea to keep everyone who has been asking me how I am doing in the loop. Of course, “check-in” texts, phone calls, and personal messages are still, and always will be, welcomed and greatly appreciated!  I am continuously amazed by the amount of support I receive on a daily basis regarding my pregnancy and I am extremely grateful for those of you who have offered unconditional support, love, and advice during this period of immense change that I am currently going through – so thank you! Without further ado, here is what I, and little bambino, have been up to in the past few weeks.

Week 16

Baby’s Statistics

ganze und halbe reife avocado isoliert auf weissem hintergrund

The little one is about the size of an avocado this week (5 inches long); and weighing around 150 grams, could fit perfectly in the palm of my hand!  His or her face looks very human-like compared to how it has looked in earlier weeks. He or she has begun growing eyebrows and eyelashes, and although his or her eyelids are currently fused shut, he or she can move their eyes around in response to light or movement. The baby’s heartbeat is now being regulated by the brain and is beating between 140-150 beats per minute – about twice as fast as mine or yours. The baby can now move all of his or her joints, and their cartilage is forming into hard bone. By this time, the baby’s genitals are almost fully formed and recognizable – determining whether my little bundle of joy is a boy or a girl.

Mama’s Statistics

Weight Gain

I really haven’t gained much weight since I found out I was pregnant. I have noticed that a few of my favorite v-neck t-shirts are becoming snug in the belly department, but other than that, my regular clothes seem to be fitting me just fine – for now at least. Don’t get me wrong, I sure look pregnant, but as far as the scale is concerned, I’ve only packed on about 2 or 3 pounds in the past 16 weeks. (No complaining here!) My doctor isn’t too worried about my lack of weight gain, and promises that the upcoming weeks will make up for my lack of weight gain thus far. As long as she’s not concerned, neither am I! I’m convinced that morning sickness and loss of appetite are mostly to blame in my case – hopefully both of which don’t stick around much longer. (Fingers crossed)

Morning Sickness

Downright awful – and might I add, never-ending. At least it seems that way. I remember being very newly pregnant and asking my doctor, “When will my morning sickness go away?”. Her answer was “for most women, it ends around 12 weeks.” Key word – most. I remember being so excited to hit that 12-week mark so that I wouldn’t have to struggle with this awful sick feeling anymore. Well, here I am at week 16, and still suffering. Most mornings I find myself hugging the toilet (we’ve grown pretty close, him and I), but occasionally I’ll be graced with a good day where I don’t feel morning sickness at all. I guess that’s how pregnancy goes in general – there’s good days and there’s bad, right? Thankfully my other buddy, Zofran, has my back. I am forever grateful for whoever invented this medication.

Maternity Clothes?

Not yet! My wonderfully caring and generous sister did purchase me a super cute maternity v-neck top from Target a few weeks ago but I’m still not quite “pregnant enough” to fill it out, haha. I definitely foresee it being worn in the very near future though, as my regular tops are becoming increasingly snug. Thanks, Sis!


My sleeping habits have gotten much, MUCH better over these past few weeks. I’ve finally been able to enjoy a full night’s sleep without waking up to use the restroom every hour, repositioning my body and pillows every fifteen minutes, and without the presence of my not-so-welcome but ever-so-stubborn friend – insomnia. My mom just recently bought me a Boppy Body Pillow that is specifically designed for pregnant women, and it has been my life-saver! It even has a designated spot to put your growing belly (ha!). It has been especially helpful in ensuring I sleep on my side throughout the night instead of retreating to my usual sleeping position – my back (which is apparently a big no-no in pregnancy as you get further along). Although I’m extremely content with how my sleeping pattern has been lately, I know that unfortunately it won’t last (of course not, right?). So here’s to catching the z’s while I can.


Every day my mom asks me, “Do you feel any movement yet?!”. The answer is the same as it has been for the past 16 weeks, not really – maybe because I’m not exactly sure what those “movements” are supposed to feel like. The many pregnancy apps on my phone describe it as a “fluttery” feeling in the abdomen, which I have yet to feel. Hopefully in the next few weeks I will start to notice some distinct baby movements.


Anything spicy! I’m currently loving chips and salsa, fish tacos, peppers, breakfast burritos drowned in hot sauce – you name it. Mexican restaurants have been my best friends. It is not unusual for me to have Mexican food more than three times a week (eek!).

Food Aversions

A usual favorite of mine… chicken. I can’t stand the smell or sight of it now. Praying that it’s only temporary! Also, I haven’t been too keen on sweets, which is definitely unusual for me. I now turn my head at the once-loved cupcakes, chocolate chip cookies, and Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. Apparently baby doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth.


A recurring question I’ve been asked: “Do you think you’re having a boy or a girl?”. Truth is, I have absolutely no idea or intuition as to what I’m having. My family, on the other hand, have their own guesses. They took a vote just the other day and the results came back a tie. My sister is beyond adamant that it’s a boy; whereas my mom believes it’s a girl due to her recurring dreams of having a granddaughter. I guess there’s really no way to know until that gender scan though, right? Which, as a matter of fact, is next week! I’m so beyond excited to find out. The suspense has been killing me! I think finding out the gender will really be the starting point for getting the ball rolling on this pregnancy, as far as settling on a name, nursery designing, and clothing purchasing goes! Stay tuned for my next update which will include some photos from a gender-reveal photo shoot that I’ve been planning!


For the most part, my mood has been pretty stable. Occasionally I’ll get a little moody but it doesn’t last long. I have though, experienced some frustration as I learn to cope with the many changes that my body is experiencing. Finding cute outfits that fit my growing belly has become an increasingly frustrating task. People keep saying that pregnancy is a “beautiful” thing (which it is), but feeling beautiful while pregnant can be somewhat of a challenge. Especially when your face looks like the surface of Mars, your “bikini body” looks more like that of a beached whale, and your hair has met its ultimate match – Mr. Frizz.  All physical-appearance things aside, I couldn’t be more content with the way things are going, and I’m optimistic that I’ll too experience that “pregnancy glow” sometime in the near future.

Well, that’s all for week 16. I hope you enjoyed this pregnancy update! Have a wonderful week. 🙂

– Haley –