Happy (late) Fourth of July! – My 17 Week Update

I hope everyone had a wonderful Fourth of July! I spent most of the day with my family, which was really nice – but definitely different from how I’ve celebrated it in the past, which almost always included alcohol. I enjoyed a limeade from Buffalo Wild Wings this year instead. 😉 Although I’m technically only 17 weeks and 3 days pregnant today, I wanted to get this update in before the weekend since I’ll be in Lake Tahoe until Monday on a (much-needed) vacation. I’m really excited to get out of the house and spend some time outdoors since most of my time has been spent curled up on the couch these past few weeks. Anyway, here’s what I’ve been up to this week!

Week 17

Baby’s Statistics


This week, baby is tipping the scale at about 3.5 ounces, and is about the size of a navel orange. He or she is beginning to develop body fat that will continue to accumulate throughout his or her time in the womb. Baby’s lungs are beginning to inhale and exhale amniotic fluid, and the urinary and circulatory systems are fully functioning. Baby’s hearing is now developed, and he or she can distinguish muffled sounds from outside the womb – such as the dog barking or the doorbell ringing.

Mama’s Statistics

Weight Gain

I suppose weight loss is more of an appropriate title for this section (sigh). At my 17-week appointment, my doctor advised me that I’ve lost 7 pounds since my last visit, which was just 3 weeks ago. Besides basically laying into me about how important it is at this stage in my pregnancy to gain an adequate amount of weight to support the development of the baby, she suggested I add more high-protein foods to my diet – such as eggs, chicken, and dairy products – all of which I’ve never been too fond of. She also increased my Zofran dose to three times a day (rather than one), to ensure that my recurring nausea does not keep me from eating. These past few days I’ve really been focusing on adding these protein foods to my diet. I’m determined to gain the 7 pounds back by the time I visit my doctor again at my 20-week appointment.

Morning Sickness

I think my morning sickness is finally starting to subside at this point. I’m no longer waking up at 6 AM running to the toilet every morning – Thank God. That’s not to say that it’s gone completely – I still get mild bouts of nausea throughout the day, which is why I always keep my Zofran on-hand just in case. I’ve noticed that it’s significantly worse on days that I work – of course, right? I’m not sure if that’s my body’s way of preparing it for a potentially stressful shift, or if it’s just a coincidence. Either way, I’m happy that it’s slowly going away as I get further into my second trimester.

Maternity Clothes?

I’m actually going to Disneyland in August, so I have purchased a few maternity clothing items online in preparation for my trip. I’ll be around 23 weeks at that time (and hopefully significantly larger than I am now), so I’ve invested in some awesome slip-on walking shoes, some lightweight maternity tanks and tees, and cropped yoga leggings. Comfort over cuteness! As for right now, I’m currently still wearing regular clothes.


There isn’t much to say about my sleeping pattern since it hasn’t changed much since last week. I’m currently sleeping on an aero-bed at my Mom’s house because I’m in a transitioning period from my Dad’s house. Needless to say, it’s not the comfiest sleeping arrangement, but it hasn’t caused me any problems so far. Hopefully I’ll be purchasing a new bedroom furniture set in the near future so that I can start furnishing my bedroom/nursery in preparation for the baby. Still enjoying the heck out of my body pillow!


It’s hard to say whether I’ve really felt the baby move. Sometimes if I lay really still, I can feel a slight fluttering in my stomach – but it’s so slight that I really can’t say for sure if it’s the baby moving or if it’s just my stomach grumbling and digesting. Maybe next week!


I think I’ve exhausted my cravings for Mexican food. At this point, my cravings are extremely random and often not recurring. If I feel like having an Oreo, I have an Oreo. If I feel like eating a whole can of black olives, I eat a whole can of black olives (and yes, I have done that). My random cravings have proven to be quite dangerous when grocery shopping, that’s for sure.

Food Aversions

Still chicken! Bleh.


Ha! Well, I was hoping this update was going to be the moment of truth regarding the gender but my doctor decided to keep me waiting for another three weeks. It was extremely frustrating, considering the nurse who scheduled my 17-week appointment assured me that I would be finding out the gender that day. When I arrived at my appointment, my doctor was adamant about waiting until my 20-week appointment to do an ultrasound. Gotta love Kaiser…


Extremely irritable and agitated (thank you, hormones). I try my absolute hardest not to let my mood be affected but it’s just one of those things that I can’t really help right now. Between all of the changes that I’m experiencing, both physically and emotionally, and all of the things I need to remember on a daily basis (such as drinking eight glasses of water, taking my prenatal vitamins and iron supplements, eating a well-balanced diet) and not to mention working, it’s been extremely difficult at times to maintain a good mood. I feel really bad for my family members that have to deal with my currently bad attitude – but they’ve been very understanding and patient with me, which I greatly appreciate. When I feel a bad mood coming on, I try to curb it by doing something that I enjoy – like writing or indulging in a little retail therapy (because how can that not cheer you up?) My doctor started me on a very mild anti-depressant medication that is safe to take during pregnancy in an effort to prevent pregnancy depression – since I have a previous history with the disorder. I’m hoping that it starts to alleviate some of my mood swings. I’ve also started seeing a licensed pregnancy counselor through Kaiser on a regular basis. Her job is basically to guide me through my pregnancy by answering any questions I have, providing me with additional resources, and offering me emotional support. She’s been really great and I plan on continuing to see her throughout my entire pregnancy.

Well, that’s all for week 17. I hope you enjoyed this update!

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