My First – and 16 Week – Pregnancy Update!

Well, part of me wishes I had started this blog sooner (I’m about 16 weeks late – oops), but I wanted to wait until things started falling into place with my pregnancy before I started sharing my journey with friends, family, and yes – the rest of the world. I’m finally at a stage in my pregnancy where I feel comfortable sharing the changes that I am experiencing, both physically and emotionally. I also figured that a pregnancy blog would be the perfect idea to keep everyone who has been asking me how I am doing in the loop. Of course, “check-in” texts, phone calls, and personal messages are still, and always will be, welcomed and greatly appreciated!  I am continuously amazed by the amount of support I receive on a daily basis regarding my pregnancy and I am extremely grateful for those of you who have offered unconditional support, love, and advice during this period of immense change that I am currently going through – so thank you! Without further ado, here is what I, and little bambino, have been up to in the past few weeks.

Week 16

Baby’s Statistics

ganze und halbe reife avocado isoliert auf weissem hintergrund

The little one is about the size of an avocado this week (5 inches long); and weighing around 150 grams, could fit perfectly in the palm of my hand!  His or her face looks very human-like compared to how it has looked in earlier weeks. He or she has begun growing eyebrows and eyelashes, and although his or her eyelids are currently fused shut, he or she can move their eyes around in response to light or movement. The baby’s heartbeat is now being regulated by the brain and is beating between 140-150 beats per minute – about twice as fast as mine or yours. The baby can now move all of his or her joints, and their cartilage is forming into hard bone. By this time, the baby’s genitals are almost fully formed and recognizable – determining whether my little bundle of joy is a boy or a girl.

Mama’s Statistics

Weight Gain

I really haven’t gained much weight since I found out I was pregnant. I have noticed that a few of my favorite v-neck t-shirts are becoming snug in the belly department, but other than that, my regular clothes seem to be fitting me just fine – for now at least. Don’t get me wrong, I sure look pregnant, but as far as the scale is concerned, I’ve only packed on about 2 or 3 pounds in the past 16 weeks. (No complaining here!) My doctor isn’t too worried about my lack of weight gain, and promises that the upcoming weeks will make up for my lack of weight gain thus far. As long as she’s not concerned, neither am I! I’m convinced that morning sickness and loss of appetite are mostly to blame in my case – hopefully both of which don’t stick around much longer. (Fingers crossed)

Morning Sickness

Downright awful – and might I add, never-ending. At least it seems that way. I remember being very newly pregnant and asking my doctor, “When will my morning sickness go away?”. Her answer was “for most women, it ends around 12 weeks.” Key word – most. I remember being so excited to hit that 12-week mark so that I wouldn’t have to struggle with this awful sick feeling anymore. Well, here I am at week 16, and still suffering. Most mornings I find myself hugging the toilet (we’ve grown pretty close, him and I), but occasionally I’ll be graced with a good day where I don’t feel morning sickness at all. I guess that’s how pregnancy goes in general – there’s good days and there’s bad, right? Thankfully my other buddy, Zofran, has my back. I am forever grateful for whoever invented this medication.

Maternity Clothes?

Not yet! My wonderfully caring and generous sister did purchase me a super cute maternity v-neck top from Target a few weeks ago but I’m still not quite “pregnant enough” to fill it out, haha. I definitely foresee it being worn in the very near future though, as my regular tops are becoming increasingly snug. Thanks, Sis!


My sleeping habits have gotten much, MUCH better over these past few weeks. I’ve finally been able to enjoy a full night’s sleep without waking up to use the restroom every hour, repositioning my body and pillows every fifteen minutes, and without the presence of my not-so-welcome but ever-so-stubborn friend – insomnia. My mom just recently bought me a Boppy Body Pillow that is specifically designed for pregnant women, and it has been my life-saver! It even has a designated spot to put your growing belly (ha!). It has been especially helpful in ensuring I sleep on my side throughout the night instead of retreating to my usual sleeping position – my back (which is apparently a big no-no in pregnancy as you get further along). Although I’m extremely content with how my sleeping pattern has been lately, I know that unfortunately it won’t last (of course not, right?). So here’s to catching the z’s while I can.


Every day my mom asks me, “Do you feel any movement yet?!”. The answer is the same as it has been for the past 16 weeks, not really – maybe because I’m not exactly sure what those “movements” are supposed to feel like. The many pregnancy apps on my phone describe it as a “fluttery” feeling in the abdomen, which I have yet to feel. Hopefully in the next few weeks I will start to notice some distinct baby movements.


Anything spicy! I’m currently loving chips and salsa, fish tacos, peppers, breakfast burritos drowned in hot sauce – you name it. Mexican restaurants have been my best friends. It is not unusual for me to have Mexican food more than three times a week (eek!).

Food Aversions

A usual favorite of mine… chicken. I can’t stand the smell or sight of it now. Praying that it’s only temporary! Also, I haven’t been too keen on sweets, which is definitely unusual for me. I now turn my head at the once-loved cupcakes, chocolate chip cookies, and Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. Apparently baby doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth.


A recurring question I’ve been asked: “Do you think you’re having a boy or a girl?”. Truth is, I have absolutely no idea or intuition as to what I’m having. My family, on the other hand, have their own guesses. They took a vote just the other day and the results came back a tie. My sister is beyond adamant that it’s a boy; whereas my mom believes it’s a girl due to her recurring dreams of having a granddaughter. I guess there’s really no way to know until that gender scan though, right? Which, as a matter of fact, is next week! I’m so beyond excited to find out. The suspense has been killing me! I think finding out the gender will really be the starting point for getting the ball rolling on this pregnancy, as far as settling on a name, nursery designing, and clothing purchasing goes! Stay tuned for my next update which will include some photos from a gender-reveal photo shoot that I’ve been planning!


For the most part, my mood has been pretty stable. Occasionally I’ll get a little moody but it doesn’t last long. I have though, experienced some frustration as I learn to cope with the many changes that my body is experiencing. Finding cute outfits that fit my growing belly has become an increasingly frustrating task. People keep saying that pregnancy is a “beautiful” thing (which it is), but feeling beautiful while pregnant can be somewhat of a challenge. Especially when your face looks like the surface of Mars, your “bikini body” looks more like that of a beached whale, and your hair has met its ultimate match – Mr. Frizz.  All physical-appearance things aside, I couldn’t be more content with the way things are going, and I’m optimistic that I’ll too experience that “pregnancy glow” sometime in the near future.

Well, that’s all for week 16. I hope you enjoyed this pregnancy update! Have a wonderful week. 🙂

– Haley –

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